Tuesday, October 28, 2014


The path to energy independence is coal to oil to natural gas and finally to hydrogen. The latest scare is reminiscent of Malthus back in 1800 when he predicted the earth would die in its own waste products as population exploded but he failed to see the coming industrial revolution. The present day scare mongers fail to see the birth of controlled fusion. This is the process of converting hydrogen into helium and releasing an almost unlimited amount of clean energy. This energy will be used to run the world including the desalting of sea water which will change the world’s deserts into oases. Here is a recent quote from one of these mongers regarding population growth. These growing numbers mean a greater impact on the environment than ever, with worries about the conversion of forests for agriculture, the rise of urbanization, the pressure on species, pollution, and climate change The forest will be left untouched, as now wasted desert land is turned into crop land. Since power will be almost free, cities will be built and expanded with care to preserve the best for the earth. There will be no pollution or climate change but there will be an abundance of food and clean water. This will minimize the threat of poverty and allow people to better their educations to prepare for all the new jobs that will be created because of low cost energy. New industries will spring up and technology will raise the standard of living for all. This is already underway in the third world where most people live and fusion will accelerate the process. The only obstacles in the way of this new world are politicians who always seem to be more interested in their party than in their constituents. Our job as citizens will be to elect people who have their priorities straight and that will be no easy task.

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