Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Job creators

In July of 2012 President Obama said in a speech regarding new business owners, you didn’t build that. Supporters said he meant that without infrastructure provided by government the business would not have been built. The argument against that is if all it takes is government roads and such why is it we get so few people like Bill Gates. There must be more to it. Now last week Hilary Clinton said in speech that business does not create jobs. She went on to state that businesses and corporations are not the job creators of America. “Don’t let anybody tell you that it’s corporations and businesses that create jobs,” the former Secretary of State said. I am not sure just whom she thinks does create jobs but the mindset of these two people represented by these remarks indicates a misunderstanding of our free market capitalist system. The constitution of the United States and in the particular the Bill of Rights was established to limit the power of government in order to open the door to individual freedom which in turn led to entrepreneurship. It is the individual starting out on his own, risking his own time and money that builds the small company that create the jobs. This is just one example of American exceptionalism.

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