Monday, December 15, 2014

Medicare cost

In 1965 the government came to me and said starting next month we will take money from your paycheck and use that to pay for your health insurance when you turn 65. I said never mind, I will buy my own insurance and they answered that I did not have a choice that this was the new law called Medicare. I then asked how much it would cost me and they said $3 per month and I said sign me up. I was making $600 per month and this was one-half of one percent so I could not beat that in the private market. I realized that something was amiss since this was too good to be true. At that time they estimated that the cost to the government in 30 years, about the time I would retire, would be a 9 billion dollars but in fact the inflation adjusted cost was 67 billion and the plan has been in the hole ever since. The reason they started with such a low premium was to get the votes needed to pass. Today the average person pays 10 % of their social security income into Medicare plus most have to buy a supplement in the private market to cover the cost that Medicare does not cover. Medicare is set to go broke in 2020 unless changes are made. The fact that Obamacare took 700 billion from Medicare by reducing fees paid to doctors and hospitals did not help matters. People my age got a good deal from Medicare but our children will not fare as well.

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