Thursday, December 4, 2014

Modern medicine

I have been blessed with good health and have avoided any close contact with the health industry until these past few months when my wife has suffered from some health related problems. During this time I have met face to face with a number of doctors and I am struck by their apparent lack of understanding of human nature particularly as it relates to their own business. The arrogance with which they present their diagnosis and treatment is astounding when you consider the past history of the medical experts. It was only in the 1850’s when they finally came to the conclusion that spontaneous generation was not a scientific explanation. For those not familiar this was the concept the meat could turn into flies spontaneously. These world renowned experts watched as a piece of meat sat on the table and after a few days maggots crawled out and turned into flies. It was also about 1850 when Dr. Lister declared that the physicians were killing their own patience and he was just about run out of town by the established medical hierarchy. He then proceeded to spray his office and patients with carbolic acid and greatly reduced the infection rates and proved his point. Can you imagine how future experts will look back on chemotherapy and radiation! When I was going to school we had laws. Newton’s Laws of Motion, the laws of thermodynamics and the law of gravity. We don’t have laws anymore as quantum physics destroyed all of these laws and everything that the experts thought they knew. All of that happened within a few short years. We now have evidence that the same object can be in more than one place at the same time. We can show that the effect can precede the cause. Experiments can prove that just looking for something causes it to be just where we look and that it isn’t there when we are not looking. These concepts baffle the scientist but they are nothing compared to trying to understand how the human mind works. Now enter the physician, who totally ignoring the great mystery of how the mind operates, declares as the result of some test what is going on in the inner actions of the patient. My wife has a long established relationship with her chiropractor and she has great faith in his ability to take care of her as an individual and a new physician meeting my wife for the first time declares that what he has told her is not correct based on some test. Does this physician understand that the test he is running today may be proven unreliable or even inaccurate in a few years down the road? It is time that the modern day physician came to understand that the human mind can do a lot more in curing health problems than they can and their job is just to assist the natural curing process. They should put their diploma in the bottom draw of their desk and sit down with the patient and start by asking a lot of questions instead of rushing into the room pontificating on high about their latest test results.

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