Wednesday, December 31, 2014


California passed a law allowing illegal aliens to have a driver’s license. The law takes effect January 1st, 2015. This is significant when looked at through a law passed in 1993. The problem, officials say, dates back to the 1993 federal Motor Voter Act, which requires states to offer residents the ability to register to vote when they obtain a driver's license or ID card. In some states, the driver's license and voter registration application are on the same form and the applicant simply signs. In small print, the form says applicants acknowledge they are U.S. citizens. In other states, voter registration is a separate form and applicants check a box. In either case, once signed, the forms are automatically sent to the county or state registrar of voters and the name is added to voter rolls. If a person does this and votes they will be committing a crime but of course they have already committed a crime when they came here illegally. If local politicians know that these people are likely to vote for their party will they just ignore the possibility that these people may vote.

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