Tuesday, December 9, 2014


The Senate report on CIA interrogation techniques was released today showing that the government used what is called torture to gather information in an attempt to prevent additional attacks after 9/11. After this attack most everyone assumed there would be more attacks and the CIA was to keep the American people safe. The CIA was roundly criticized for not having advanced knowledge of this attack. While these torture methods were stopped several years ago the government felt it necessary to show the world what was done in order to gain the high moral ground that the United States feels it deserves. What is not mentioned is the fact that the United States continues the practice of rendition which is taking suspects outside the country for interrogation. These suspects are taken to places like Egypt for questioning and what goes on there is not revealed but most suspect that torture is involved. Recall the man who was captured in Libya and charged with bombing our embassy and how he was kept on a ship outside the country for several weeks while the FBI interrogated him. While this is going on the United States continues drone attacks where people thought to be terrorist are killed and often time innocent bystanders are sacrificed. There was even a case where an American citizen was targeted and killed by a drone attack without any trial. The ACLU, that bastion of all things good and right, have complained about these drone strikes but their complaints are more in the form of a whimper than a roar.

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