Monday, January 26, 2015

Greek elections

In yesterday’s elections in Greece the country took a sharp turn left as the liberals won big. The country had gotten into financial trouble caused by many years of expanding government benefits and increasing debt. When Greece became part of the European Union they were forced to cut back (this is called austerity) and they made an attempt but the people revolted and now they may withdraw from the Union. The most costly benefit in Greece is social security, much like other western countries including the United States. While other countries raised the retirement age to 67 Greece refused and kept theirs at 61 and much lower for certain groups. The new government promised to move away from austerity and continue with benefits. Once the government gives out benefits it becomes very difficult to take them away. These past five years Greece has been supported by the World Bank, International Monetary Fund and the European Central Bank. These entities may not continue this as other countries in the Union are beginning to object.

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