Thursday, January 29, 2015


While the Keystone Pipeline oil is only a small part of the overall energy picture there are good reasons from the standpoint of the environment to build it. Currently this oil is being shipped by rail to the Gulf refineries. Using a pipeline is safer than rail and does not produce any CO2 like the train engines. Today Senator Schumer of New York said that this pipeline would only provide 35 permanent jobs and he was correct. Note the word permanent. It will take thousands to build it but only 35 to operate it. This is lying by leaving out part of the story. This same Senator is pushing for infrastructure project like roads and bridges. It would take thousands to build a large bridge but only a hand full to operate the bridge when it is finished. These people constantly tell half a story to skewer the truth to make their point. I sure hope people can see through this but I wouldn’t bet on it.

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