Monday, January 5, 2015

rare earths

There are two reasons why China leads the US in the solar business. The first is they control the mining of rare earth metals needed for production of solar panels and second they control this because the US has stopped mining because of environmental concerns. China has scrapped its quota system restricting exports of rare earth minerals after losing a World Trade Organization (WTO) case. Beijing imposed the restriction in 2009 while it tried to develop its own industry for the 17 minerals, which are crucial to making many hi-tech products, including mobile phones. Last year, a WTO panel ruled that China had failed to show the export quotas were justified. China dominates rare earth production. It is estimated to be responsible for 90% of its production, despite only having a third of the world's deposits. This is a day late and a dollar short since the US has now come to realize that the solar panel craze was just a ploy to give government money as favors to big campaign donors and the whole push regarding climate change is fast fading away.

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