Monday, January 26, 2015

Women's rights

One of the US allies in the Middle East is Saudi Arabia, a country that treats women like children or at best as second-class citizens. Two of the Kings 15 daughters have been under house arrest for years for speaking out about women’s rights. The only reason the US maintains this close relationship with the Saudis is oil. If the government would open up federal lands for drilling the US would, in short order, no longer need any oil from Saudi Arabia and could put pressure on them to start treating women as human beings. Women in the country, in particular those concerned with women’s right, should be pushing the government to open these lands but they are handcuffed by the environmentalist and thus Saudi oil continues to determine US policy toward women’s rights. The truth is that liberal policies dictated by environmentalist, tops liberal policies concerning women’s rights, so no one wants to talk about the issue.

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