Friday, January 1, 2016

Clinton emails

The release of the Clinton emails demonstrates how political operations can fool the public along with the press. First step was go through and select any emails which may pose a problem and dispose of them. The second step is to release the emails in small groups over an extended period of time. At each release the eager press goes through the batch looking for the smoking gun and each time they come up short and each time it confirms to the public that there is no there, there. Forgotten in the whole mess is that it is illegal to destroy government correspondence and the fact that half have been selectively destroyed. Now we await the FBI investigation, the same FBI that reports to the Obama Justice department. Everyone knows that Obama wants Clinton to succeed him as most Republicans would reverse his many presidential decrees. It is said that the FBI is above politics. They had no trouble finding others guilty of mishandling secret government information but most people realize that this case will be different and more to the point, most people won’t care. What this means is that Mrs. Clinton will be the democratic nominee and at this time it looks like she will be running against Trump. This should be an interesting election. We have one candidate who is secretive and considered dishonest and untrustworthy but experienced in the way that government operates. With Trump we have open book, to many, too open. He says whatever he thinks and seems not to care about the political ramifications. He has no political experience and is beholding to no one.

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