Friday, January 8, 2016

I don’t believe in hell and by extension, I don’t believe in the devil but there is a devil like entity roaming around and that is my ego. As a young man I fostered his growth and he has come to my rescue on many occasions but he always carries a price. As I have grown older, I have come to realize that this ego tends to get in the way of my happiness so I have taken steps to limit his power but it is a never ending battle. Just when I think I have him in his proper place he rears his mischievous head and turns me back to my old ways. I bring this up at this time since the Power Ball is now at record levels and part of my program to restrain my ego is to refuse to buy a ticket. On the surface this may not make sense but I know me and if I should win a large sum of cash my ego would once again jump to center stage. I can just hear the accolades now as I give millions to various charities and all who know me tell me what a wonderful person I am. I would bask in the limelight and puff up like a toad. I am sure there are many others who would not be negatively affected in this way and I hope they win but it is not for me.

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