Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The last year

A presidential candidate is most concerned about domestic issues and runs a campaign based on how he can improve the lives of the citizens. All too often events overtake their plans and this has certainly happened with President Obama. The situation around the world has deteriorated and this is especially the case in the Middle East and Obama is overwhelmed by the whole thing. His response is to give a prime time speech about gun control. He has reiterated his plans for his last year in office as a time when he will concentrate on closing Guantanamo, win a court case on his immigration plans, sign a criminal justice reform bill into law, sign the new trade agreement called the TPP and last but not least climate change. While these are laudable goals, it looks more and more like he plans to leave the international affairs to his successor. His different approach in the Middle East has led Saudi Arabia to believe that the US has deserted them in favor of Iran and this has caused them to rebel. All the work that Secretary Kerry has carried out over the past year to try and negotiate a peace in Syria is now in jeopardy. As Russia increases their help for Assad, and Iran uses their new found cash to increase their mischief, along with the nuke deal with Iran, the Saudis and their allies have reignited the old Sunni-Shia war and the US is watching from the sidelines.

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