Thursday, March 10, 2016

Email charges

When Hilary Clinton is asked about her mails she says, "The emails that I received were not marked classified. The CIA says, “The word classified doesn’t appear on the document. The word would be confidential, secret or top secret and it may have a code word attached to it because it comes from say, a photo reconnaissance satellite. But anybody who has been at senior levels of government knows that.” The FBI cannot bring charges against anyone. They can only refer the case to the Justice Department which in turn must present the evidence to a Grand Jury and then they can bring charges. No Justice Department, no Grand Jury, no case. Right now Obama is playing both sides of the fence. He is allowing the FBI through his Attorney General to conduct an investigation but Justice is not taking part and without Justice there is no case. FBI Director James Comey is tough and smart and if there is a case to be made he will make it and it will be bulletproof. If that happens and Justice does not act, the general public may object but in a few weeks it will fade away.

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