Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Gut feelings

When a person works for a large company and makes a mistake they offer the following defense. I thought the product would sell because R&D said it was nutritious, marketing said it was what research predicted a need for, production said they could make it at cost and sales felt it would sell and he is forgiven. For an individual proprietor he would say I felt in my gut it was right but I was wrong. A corporate man would be fired with that explanation. Now turn to Trump. The press is always asking him, as they should, how are you going to do these things and Trump cannot answer. He has built his career on going with his gut and he cannot outline a plan in advance because it depends on the circumstances at the time. This is the way he has run his businesses over the years and this is who he is. This behavior is particularly aggravating to the so called intellectual elite but many ordinary people often follow their instincts. One time my sister-in-law told me she was asked by a local TV station to comment on a regional event and she refused saying she didn’t know that much and her opinion would not matter. I got upset with her and told her the following. On any important issue there are experts who have spent their lives studying the problem and come up on opposite sides of the issue. I went on to tell her that if she would use her 60 years of life experiences along with her God given common sense she would be just as likely to come to the right decision as the experts.

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