Tuesday, March 8, 2016


The Republican establishment is misreading Trump. When Trump decided to run he knew he would not stand a chance as a typical politician and so he chose to use his knowledge of the media and use different approach. His bombastic, egotistical often times vulgar manner has them fooled. They think these are the reasons for his popularity but in fact his message is what is propelling him to the front. It is the same message that Reagan used. Here is a letter I wrote to the editor in 1981 just after Reagan was elected and it is relevant today. The election results from last November have been analyzed primarily based on their impact on the two major political parties. In any general election some always vote Republican and about an equal number always vote Democratic and they cancel out each other. This leaves the independents to determine the outcome. They tend to vote issues for and against, but mostly against, and I call these against issues the fed-ups. They are fed-up with people who consider themselves victims of some injustice, and who refuse to accept responsibility for their actions. They are fed-up with children who refuse to show respect toward their elders, and for adults who fail to behave in ways that deserve respect. They are fed-up with teachers that must spend all their time being parents instead of teaching. They are fed-up with teen boys in jeans who rob liquor stores going to jail while men in white suits who rob S&L's go free. They are fed-up with courts that are more concerned with the rights of criminals than with the rights of victims. They are fed-up with political correctness run amok. They are fed-up with jails so full of pot smokers that we must release hardened criminals because of lack of space. They are fed-up with elected officials who take money from PAC's and maintain that those gifts do not affect how they vote. They are fed-up with a system that gives jobs to lesser-qualified applicants because of some real or perceived past injustice. They are fed-up with tax dollars being spent on illegal aliens, to provide benefits that bona fide citizens must do with out. They are fed-up with constitutionalist who maintain that religion should stay out of government instead of government staying out of religion. They are fed-up by not receiving a proper return on the investment of their tax dollars. In general these independent voters view government in the ways it affects their personal value system, and for the most part they don't like what they see.

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