Sunday, July 24, 2016

Big big big

Over the years many liberals have quoted the Eisenhower warning of, beware of the military-industrial complex and since, this has morphed into beware of big business-big government deals. These people are now facing a dilemma has Hilary’s relationship with the big banks has morphed into a relationship with big business. Recent reports show a long list of CEO’s who are switching their long time allegiance to the Republican candidate over to Hilary. These people are not ideologues but only interested in their companies. While most consider Trump’s call to break up the status quo of business and government getting together to maintain their power structure, as just political babble and it may be, these business people are worried. Many of the Trump and Sanders supporters are keenly aware of how the business-government arrangement has kept them from moving up the economic ladder and are paying attention to Trump’s call to challenge those in power. In the 50’s the saying was, what is good for General Motors is good for America and those were the years that set the stage for the great business-government takeover of the country and the slow steady decline of the middle and lower income groups. These people have now awakened and are demanding change. These people feel they have a voice in Trump and are willing to abandon the old ways and try something new. It is not that they are enamored with Trump but they are willing to take a risk and try something new. Hilary will likely win the election and we will continue down the path of big business, big government and throw in big labor to round out the group in charge, the same group that has stagnated the middle and lowing income people for many years.

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