Friday, July 29, 2016

Government vs Private

Now that the conventions are over and the time for serious campaigning begins, it is time to take a look at the parties and for the moment leave out the personalities of the candidates. This is not easy to do since both are very well known and many have strong opinions of each. The Democrats see themselves as people interested in helping various groups like children, disabled, uneducated and poor by offering programs that left them up. This was illustrated by the speakers who talked about Hilary’s history of belonging to the Children’s Defense League and her interest in women’s groups. Her plan to help people will be to use government agencies to reach out and distribute funds in order to improve the lives of many who have been left out. This will be an extension of what President Obama has done and in the bigger picture what the Great Society has done. The war on poverty will continue and be reinforced. The Republicans will not target specific groups but will take steps to improve the job situation. The Trump promises to tax imports of those who tax American imports will even the playing field of the free trade position. His plan to lower taxes will encourage business to bring home some of the trillions of dollars now stored overseas. He will reduce and remove many of the requirements issued by the EPA and if the congress remains in republican hands he will start a program to rebuild the infrastructure. In short, one will look to government for answers and the other to the private sector.

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