Monday, July 11, 2016


When President Obama took office the democrats controlled the senate and the house and for a four month period they had a filibuster proof 60 senators. The President could have passed any bill he wanted and he chose to spend his time pushing Obamacare which was subsequently passed with no republican votes. The President could have chosen this opportune time to pass legislation regarding climate change but did not. Here are some comments Obama made about climate change. “Today, there is no greater threat to our planet than climate change.” “No challenge poses a greater threat to future generations than climate change.” “It is indeed one of the biggest threats facing our planet today.” If Obama had started the transition to natural gas in the transportation industry and power plants the change would be almost complete today. Since natural gas produces 25% less carbon dioxide than oil and 45% less than coal the country could have achieved a significant reduction by now. The cost of making these changes would have been less than the money that was wasted on failed solar projects. IF the President felt that climate change was an existential threat to the country might it have been more important than Obamacare?

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