Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Jobs and jobs

Polls show that the number one concern is jobs and a close second is terrorism. Clinton and Trump have both said that they will create jobs. Trump plans to use the private sector by lowering taxes on business and getting rid of the regulation that have been installed during the Obama administration. Clinton will use government money. She said in her speech today that she would offer the largest government investment in jobs in history. This likely means another stimulus program using the fed to increase the money supply. The policies that the government has used in the past 15 years have helped the rich but not the poor. The government measures income by quintile that is five groups with 20% in each group. Since 2000 the wages of the lowest quintile has increased 1% per year, the next lowest 1.4%, the next two at 2%. Meanwhile the top 1% saw their income increase 10% per year or ten times higher. Since inflation during these years averaged 2% per those not in the top 1% actually lost ground. Wages for all but the one percent have declined in real dollars. This is after politicians constantly preached that they were going to help the lower and middle income groups. When I was growing up my mother would say the rich get richer and the poor get poorer. Seems like not much has changed!

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