Thursday, August 3, 2017


When the news came out that Trump wants immigrants to speak English there was an outcry heard round the news world and then it suddenly died down. One possible reason is that this has been the law but it is watered down to the place where it is not enforced. The procedure is that during an interview the person must demonstrate proficiency in reading, writing and speaking English but the grading is done in a subjective way and in recent years passing the test has become easier. It is so easy that many people cannot function without help. Once again merely enforcing an existing law will promote better English. When it comes to immigrants those who have relatives here are given a preference so the more of that group you have the more you will get. This means that about 2/3rds of new immigrants are Asian or Hispanic. There is an immigration lottery that allows 55,000 applicants from around the world to gain citizenship and is not based on a relative here. Some feel it would be more fair if the over one million immigrants coming here each year were all chosen by lottery.

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