Friday, August 18, 2017


As the race to tear down statues reaches across the land, I am waiting for people to rise up against one of the most horrific racist events of the 20th Century. In 1942 Japanese Americans were sent to internment camps simply base on their heritage. These were American citizens whose rights were summarily revoked because of their race. They committed no crimes, broke no laws and for the most part were tax paying productive citizens. Will those who are intent on cleansing our country of its past mistakes now try to remove statues of FDR? How could this revered man resort to such disgraceful behavior? The answer to this question is the same as the answer to all such questions and you must evaluate this behavior based on the times. This in no way makes things right but it does explain how such things happen. Slavery is the most egregious example of these terrible events but if you go back in time slavery was a way of life. Even Jesus did not oppose slavery but most agree in today’s world he would preach against such behavior.

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