Monday, August 28, 2017


At the risk of repeating myself, I feel it is necessary to assess the North Korean threat. As things stand right now if NOK invaded South Korea the United States could destroy their country without any attack on the US mainland. This status will remain until such time as NOK gets the ability to launch nukes from submarines. With a dozen subs sitting a few hundred miles off the east and west coast along with a couple in the Gulf, the status would be drastically different. After that they could invade South Korea and we could not attack them without risking the destruction of a dozen or so major American cities. Over the past 30 years the US has tried every conceivable non-military approach to deal with NOK but they have all failed, mostly because NOK does not follow up on agreements. In plain words they lie. Most Americans feel that a preemptive strike is not in our DNA but once they get the subs we will be subject to various forms of black mail. At that time they can continue to miniaturize their nukes and send them to their allies around the globe. It is one thing for a suicide bomber to sneak into Israel and blow up a bus but quite another to set off a nuke.

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