Thursday, May 2, 2019


Senator Sanders pointed out the large discrepancy in wages between the CEO of Walt Disney and the average employee. It is ridiculous that one person should have a salary of millions. Here are some examples. The top paid 100 entertainers pulled in $6.2 billion dollars or $62 million each. The five top athletes last year. Floyd Mayweather. Total earnings: $285 million. Purse: $275 million. ... Lionel Messi. Total earnings: $111 million. ... Cristiano Ronaldo. Total earnings: $108 million. ... Conor McGregor. Total earnings: $99 million. ... Neymar. Total earnings: $90 million. The top ten CEO's made an average of $70 million Some years ago Magic Johnson and Bush 41 appeared on TV to promote the treatment of AIDS. Some people who saw that wondered why Magic was earning $2 million a year and Bush was paid $200,000. The answer is in a free market society if a person can do something than hardly anyone else can do then that person would be highly paid. The conclusion was that while Magic could be president there was no way that Bush could play point guard for the Lakers. The problem here is that there are many people who could be CEO's and the system is rigged and the market for CEO's is corrupted.

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