Sunday, May 5, 2019

Israeli Wars

The news shows a group of Muslim children in Philadelphia singing songs about killing people in the name of Allah. The word in the song that caught my attention was, "humiliation". The Jewish people established their kingdom in Jerusalem under King David in about 1,000 BC. This promise land was under their control for about 400 years and then various other powers took over and the Jews were exiled and then they return and were exiled a second time and did not have a permanent home until 1948 when the current state of Israel was established. They were immediately attacked by the Arab Nations of Egypt, Jordan and Syria. Against all odds the Jews won the day and defeated an overwhelming force. There followed five more Arab/Israeli Wars in 1956, 1967, 1973, 1982 and 2006. Each time the Arabs were defeated and this led to the feeling of humiliation. The population of Israel is 7 million including 1.6 million Arabs and they are fighting against 150 million Arabs.

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