Wednesday, May 29, 2019


Back when Bill Clinton was running, James Carville summed up the election by saying, its the economy stupid. Since that time the world has changed and the me too generation with their selfies has taken control and the new catch phrase is, its likability stupid. Important things like the economy have taken a back seat to personalities. The many candidates are getting prepared to make their debate debuts and the public is anxiously awaiting to see how they shine on TV. The one that comes across as most likable will have a step up on the others. Many onlookers will judge the policies of candidates base on how likable they are some will use that as the most important criteria. Even many Trump supporters are enthralled with his non PC approach to just saying what is on his mind instead of using focus groups to select the right words and having a professional speech writer put those words into stump speech. All those on the stage would be wise to remember that being who you are is the best way to be likable.

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