Wednesday, August 7, 2019


Here is a quote from CNN: There is no indication that the shooting in Dayton, Ohio, would have been prevented by proposed universal background checks or legislation to bolster the federal background check system. The alleged El Paso, Texas, shooter purchased his firearm legally and there is no evidence that he had a criminal history that a background check would've caught. If new laws are proposed it would make sense that they should have prevented the above two shootings. If everyone agreed that all guns should be confiscated and everyone turned in their guns would that have prevented these two shootings. Would criminals abide by these new rules. An illegal gun can be purchased on the street in Mpls for half the price of a new gun. Most of the guns used to kill people in Chicago are illegal but can be purchased on the street. If there were no guns in the country would some people use explosive like the Oklahoma City bomber did. All he needed was some fertilizer and diesel fuel and a little know how easily found on the Internet. One thing that can help is to get rid of these high capacity clips.

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