Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Meat and houses

Yesterday, I watched Bernie Sanders say that climate change is the biggest danger facing the country and this follows others who say that in ten or twelve years the damage will be irreversible. While many individuals profess concern about climate change they don't seem to want to change their life style to help fix the problem. They still want bigger houses and bigger cars. Even Al Gore has a 10,000 square foot house in Nashville and a 6,000 square foot ocean side California home. Low and middle income people are looking for ways to pay the light bill and pay for college while the rich are living in country homes miles from work. Most people are expecting someone else to take care of this problem while they are now being asked to have fewer children and quit eating meat. Until I see these experts talking about natural gas for transportation, I will continue to believe that climate change is more about politics than about the environment.

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