Sunday, August 18, 2019


On public radio today there was a discussion about talk radio and how conservatives dominate. They did not attempt to explain this domination but talked mostly about how talk radio promotes conspiracies and is used by people who want confirmation of their beliefs. One explanation of why liberal talk shows fail to draw the large audience of conservative shows has to do with how liberals have viewed many people since the New Deal. When FDR introduced social security, it grew into the most successful and most expensive program ever. As the years past social security became more popular and when it was followed up with Johnson' s Great Society it sealed the concept of providing government benefits and the democrats held congress for 40 years. They felt they had found a winning formula. The idea slowly evolved that people needed help and could not make it on their own. While this may or may not be true it can never be revealed that government officials think that people cannot take care of themselves. Many liberals believe that but do not admit it. Under normal circumstances this little secret can be maintained but if you are on the radio for two or three hours it slips out. Once the listener feels that the host thinks they need someone to take care of them they lose interest. This has been a dilemma that liberals have had to deal with for many years

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