Friday, February 28, 2020


The birth of socialism is generally attributed to Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. The basis of this new concept is stated in the oft used phrase, from each according to their means and to each according to their needs. Marx said that as the gap between rich and poor became great enough the poor would revolt. What Marx did not anticipate was Henry Ford. Marx never dreamed that the people who made the goods could buy the goods they made. This led to an expanding middle class and the growth of capitalism. Socialism is always appealing since it strives for equality especially of income. It usually has its start in a county where the people are very poor and a charismatic leader proposes taking from the rich and giving to the poor. If the leader is successful it means the end of the free market. It means that the people will own the means of production. Step two is the transfer of ownership from the people to the government and that is communism. The Soviets tried central planning and held on for 70 years before it failed. It removes competition and avoids the unpleasantness of winners and losers.

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