Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Stuff for votes

Many democrats find themselves in a quandary when it comes to Bernie Sanders. They like the fact that he remains constant in his beliefs but are concerned about his reliance on government. He says that we need a government for all the people not just for the few and that makes sense and is what most people would like. He does not promote better higher paying jobs for people but rather redistribution of wealth. His plan involves using the government as a middle man to take money from one group and give it to another in the form of benefits, which his detractors refer to as free stuff. This practice of what some call buying votes is predominately displayed by most politicians. Businesses get depreciation, farmers get subsidies, homeowner get interest deduction, oil companies get depletion allowances and low income people get tax credits. Helping low income people is admirable but a good paying job is preferable to a government check. A good job makes people less reliant on government and raises their self esteem and thus makes it more difficult to trade free stuff for votes.

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