Thursday, February 6, 2020

Trump changes

Candidate Trump promised to be a disruptor and he has succeeded. He has turned the republican party up side down and has tied the democratic party in knots. The national press has become an advocacy group and the bureaucracy is in turmoil. Overseas unhappy partners are being asked to contribute their fair share to their own defense, to NATO and to the United Nations. Trade deals are being realigned as tariffs are used as bargaining chips. The establishment is being slowly disassembled and career diplomats are running for cover. It is Trump against the democrats, the never-Trumpers, the national press, and the bureaucrats and through it all he has survived. Numerous times his demise was predicted as bomb shell after bomb shell exploded in the news and somehow after the smoke clears there he is still standing. The list of his changes is long and filled with controversy as half the people see the positives and the other half the negatives and neither side understands the other.

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