Wednesday, June 10, 2020


Terms like systemic racism are sometimes difficult to decipher. Many feel it has to do with culture and a good example are the attempts to change the past. Recall for years how sports team names were challenged, names like Washington Red Skins. There are demands to remove Confederate Flags and more recently things have moved toward removing statues and a statue of Robert E Lee was taken down in New Orleans because he was a slave owner. Should this same standard apply to George Washington and Thomas Jefferson? Some suggest reparations to Native Americans and descendants of slaves. The culture also has non racial concerns. The crosses on the graves in Arlington National Crematory are a sore spot to those who believe in separation of church and state. There have long been calls to remove references to God which appear on government buildings and on the currency. Should congress continue to open with a prayer? Should Christmas be changed to Winter Solstice? There are many questions about gender identity that challenge past behavior. The list goes on.

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