Saturday, April 10, 2021


The communist party of America started over 100 years ago and their goal was to overthrow capitalism and replace it with communism. The method used was to divide and conquer. They would pit one group against the other. It would be labor against management, black against white and rich against the poor. They would excite groups who were discriminated against, groups like LGBTQ. They would be the champions of the disenfranchised. The idea was to destroy capitalism within by pointing out how the poor were slaves to the powerful. All of this is revealed in documents gathered over the years from the party. The strategy was to infiltrate the various organizations and cause unrest which would spread to the general society. Sowing the seeds of discontent is their main weapon. It is most effective when emotion overtakes thinking and the best emotions to use are hatred and envy. Whenever the income gap becomes too great, the door is open for the party to grow.

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