Saturday, April 3, 2021

The vote

I was transferred to a plant in Alabama where the prior manager had been fired for poor performance. When I arrived the place was in disarray. Among the many problems was the fact that the meat cutters union had be trying to get signatures for an election. They had been at the gates every day for the past three months and finally got the 51% needed to call for an election. I had only been there two months when the election took place. I was allowed the opportunity to speak to the employees and I could say pretty much what I wanted but I couldn't threaten and I couldn't promise. I had been accustomed to public speaking but this was difficult because I had to have two copies of what I would say, witnessed by two people in the room. In the past I had always spoke with a few notes so I found it very uncomfortable speaking from a prepare text. The day of the vote the first shift voted at the end of the shift and the second shift voted at the end of their shift and the third shift which was clean up an had only dozen workers voted at the start of the third shift. By midnight the votes were counted and the union was defeated. This was not a big victory because Alabama in the 1960's was anti union. The point here is that the vote and the count took place in one day. The question is why is the vote at the Amazon plant in Alabama taking so long. There must be some mischief going on.

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