Thursday, April 22, 2021

Falsely accused

Jumping to conclusions regarding matters of race and crime has become acceptable because the very first case like this was considered OK. Recall the situation with Tawana Brawley. In 1987 this young lady who was Black said she was raped by 6 white men, one of whom was a police officer. The Reverend Al Sharpton responded by standing on the courthouse steps with Tawana and declaring that racism was rampant in the country. He gained national fame from this an has this day his own TV show. The lady then recanted the whole story but this is where the story begins. Sharpton admitted that Tawana made up the story but went on to say that it may not be true in this case but many similar cases happen across the country and no one is punished. This opened the door to accusing people of crimes without investigation and justifying this action by saying these things happen in other places. This idea reached a high point when Trump was impeached by the house and tried in the senate before the investigation began. It happened when it was reported that a capital police officer was beaten to death by a rioter using a fire extinguisher and later revealed that he died of natural causes.

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