Saturday, November 27, 2021

China and thorium

China has joined the age of thorium and plans to use this to become carbon free. The first experimental plant is underway and expected to go online this fall. Plans to build many more on an assembly like process are next. Thorium reactors are modular in construction and can be combined to increase power as needed. They are safe and will automatically shut down if left unattended or if power is interrupted. They do not use water as a coolant and operate at normal atmospheric temperatures which means no danger of steam explosions. They can use up existing stockpiles of waste. They not only produce electric power but many valuable medical chemicals needed to treat cancer. They can be designed to use excess heat to desalt sea water. China plans to sell these to 30 different countries. The thorium can be mined without harming the environment and is less costly and more available than uranium. One good source of thorium is the coal ash that has accumulated at coal fired power plants.

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