Sunday, November 28, 2021

Going nuclear

There is a college in a Illinois town where I used to live and they have signs on the street light poles saying, get ready the world is changing. This is happening in an important area behind the scenes and very few people are aware of what is going on. Many environmentalist who a few years ago were anti nuclear people are rethinking their positions. As we entered the 21st century the push for clean air was led by the proponents of wind and solar. The plan got a big push when it was combined with social change but as Bob Dylan said, things are a changin. Leading scientist now realize that going to wind and solar is trading clean air for dirty water. The amount of waste from both the construction of wind and solar and the amount of dangerous waste products have caused them to see the value of nuclear. Many have come to the conclusion that you cannot solve the climate change problem with wind and solar. The misinformation about the safety of nuclear has been promoted by those who compete with nuclear and they joined forces with those who want to use wind and solar to promote social change and they have convinced people that nuclear is not a viable alternative. Scientist who rely on factual evidence are realizing that nuclear is the only way to deal with climate change but they are faced with the politicians who are committed to wind and solar. As more information is forthcoming the balance will shift to nuclear where both clean air and clean water can be achieved.

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