Saturday, November 6, 2021

Infrastructure bill

Back in 2009 Obama passed an $800 billion dollar infrastructure bill which he said would start shovel-ready jobs. Of that $98 billion was dedicated to transportation and infrastructure and only $27 billion of that was actually spent. The number of jobs predicted did not materialize and to this day many can't figure out where the money went. Last night the house passed a $1.2 trillion dollar infrastructure bill that contains $500 billion for transportation and infrastructure but this bill includes something called human infrastructure. Infrastructure—originally used to designate building and repairing road, bridges, railroads, and ports—has been expanded under President Biden to include human or social infrastructure which includes things like healthcare, childcare, education and job training. Many feel that the human part has the best chance of seeing results since it will not be hampered by environmental concerns and it provides government benefits to many people.

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