Saturday, November 27, 2021

Native Americans

The classroom teacher is speaking in social studies explaining the history of the colonization of the New World. The settlers came bringing with them guns which allowed them to over power the local natives. They treated them as savages because they were not religious and pushed them off of their land. They added insult to injury by spreading diseases like small pox which killed many of the natives. They made treaties with the natives which they later broke and then moved them further west. The celebration of Thanksgiving is just one more way to insult these natives. The question arises how does this make the students feel. Is it designed to promote guilt. Do these students now feel responsible for the mistreatment that occurred hundreds of years ago. What should the students response be to this lecture. Did the teacher speak this way to show his concern for natives proving that he is a sensitive caring man who fights against injustice. If only there were more people like me the world would be a better place. Just what is going on here. What is the end game?

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