Wednesday, May 11, 2022

bring jobs home

The story of Bethlehem Steel is representative of what happened to the American manufacturing base and illustrates the difference between free open trade and unfair competition. In its hay day Bethlehem Steel employed 30,000 people with skilled high paying jobs with good benefits. The Chinese first hurt the world steel market by low wages with no benefits but soon added government subsidies. China followed that same pattern with multiple products and in time sucked the jobs away from the west. In the beginning it was a win-win for the US. High corporate profits and low cost consumer items. Over the next 30 years this policy moved one billion people around the world out of poverty. It is now time to reverse policies and bring jobs back home. Cut China lose to defend themselves in the market. Both Trump and Biden realized this and both tried to make changes. Trump put import taxes on China and Biden has kept them. This is a good start but much more is needed. When American companies find out they can compete by making products at home they will take the steps to do so. It reduces dependence on foreign countries and greatly simplifies the supply chain. The US could start an education program preparing citizens for higher prices but explaining it will mean higher wages, that it will keep us from depending on China for important products like pharmaceuticals and baby formula.

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