Friday, May 6, 2022


One of the basics of parenting is letting children know that no matter what they do or say they will always be loved. This is a helpful idea to carry over to all people. When a person behaves differently and in a manner that makes you uncomfortable be ready to voice your concern but do so in a way that does not denigrate the person but only the action. This can be a minor thing like how they vote or something more serious like life style. If your friend or relative is gay let them know that this is difficult for you to understand but you they remain your friend. If your friend decides to get an abortion and you believe that life begins at conception condemn the act but console the person. If someones religion is different than yours point out why you believe the way you do but do not put their religion down. The basic rule is to treat people with dignity and respect. Learn to separate the person from the deed and then go one step further and trade grievances and resentments for forgiveness. A recent news story told of a woman who visited the convicted killer of her son and offered her forgiveness and she could be a roll model for others. Most of the strife we have in the world today centers around attacking the person instead of the action.

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