Friday, May 13, 2022

Unforced errors

In tennis they are called unforced errors and in government the name is self inflicted wounds and Biden has had his fare share. It started during the campaign when he failed to come out against the summer rioters in 2020. He followed this with his admitted stand against fossil fuels. Next came his silence on the defund the police movement as crime increased in most major cities. Once elected he botched the departure from Afghanistan by pulling troops before securing the people and equipment. Then came the loss of control at the border as the number of illegals swelled bringing an increase in drugs and criminals. More recently he sided with the school board against the parents and with Disney against teaching first graders about sex changing. He was slow to send arms to Ukraine for fear of upsetting Putin. The shortage of baby food has been in the news for months and just now the administration is waking up to the problem. The result is that his approval has gone from 57% to 38% and more importantly 79% of the people feel the country is headed in the wrong direction.

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