Wednesday, May 11, 2022

End of far left

Things can change between now and November but right now it appears that the folks at MSNBC will get their wish and they will have Trump to kick around for the two years during the campaign followed up by four years in the oval office. They will spend all of their time talking about Trumps personality flaws and never mention the lowest unemployment in history including women and minorities, a secure border, inflation less than 2%, being a net exporter of energy, low crime and no war. They will follow Biden's lead saying everything that went wrong was caused by Putin, Covid and MAGA republicans. But voters will only be looking at food cost, utility cost and the big sign at the gas station. Voters will be watching millions of illegals pour across the border bringing with them poison drugs and criminals. They will be worried about crime in their neighborhood and strange teachings in their schools. Unless something totally unexpected happens this will be the end of the far left ideas on social change.

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