Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Blacks in America

When a Gallup poll first asked Americans about their views on marriage between Black and White people in 1958, only 4% approved. Last year, that number was 94% — an all-time high -- with 93% of Whites saying they approved. This is just one example of the progress in race relations that have occurred in the past 50 years. It started with the fact that while slavery was around since recorded history the United States was the only case where a country used a civil war to erase slavery and this war cost the lives of 600,000 soldiers. Brown v Board made segregation illegal and the Civil Rights Act made discrimination illegal. Affirmative action has increased government employment of Blacks and this spilled over into college admissions and private industry. In 1960 three percent of college students were Black and today the percentage is 20%. In 1960 there were 100,000 Black business owners and today that number is over 3 million. Every year for the past 20 years the percentage of Black police officers has been increasing. 750 million people around the world want to relocate and 150 million of those want to move to the United States. The country has a lot of room to improve race relations but much has been accomplished. People sometimes forget that Black males had the right to vote 50 years before White females.

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