Sunday, July 31, 2022

Climate and nuclear

The people in the western world and in particular the United States are being subjected to a lie, that wind and solar can replace fossil fuels. This lie survives because it has been tied to politics, the press promotes it and because scientist refuse to stand up and say it cannot work. The three main areas of concern are space needs, mining and disposing of raw materials and transportation. In regards to space a 1,000 megawatt nuclear power plant takes up 640 acres. An equivalent solar farm takes up 48,000 acres and a wind farm would need 230,000 acres. Wind and solar require the use of rare earth metals and this poses an environmental hazard. The mining of these elements takes place mostly in China where the process poisons the ground water and they end up in Africa where it poisons the water there. Finally wind and solar cannot deal with transportation as batteries cannot move heavy construction equipment, rail locomotives, ocean liners and airplanes. The Green New Deal which purports to solve the climate change problem is actually standing in the way of the only solution which is nuclear power. The recently past slim down version of the Build Back Better bill is a step in the right direction as it removes the social spending from the climate spending. Now if someone in the administration would bring up the subject of nuclear power we could be on the way to solving the problem of climate change.

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