Tuesday, July 19, 2022

Recycle panels

The average home uses 900 Kwt hours of electric power per month. It cost $16,000 to install solar panels less $4,000 tax incentive for a net cost of $12,000. You must owe tax to get the credit and not many homes owners owe $16,000 in taxes. For a family of four to get any credit they must earn $78,000. Panels lose efficiency over time and last about 25 years so many are now being replaced. Average home uses 20 solar panels and it cost $30 to recycle a panel or $2 to put it in the landfill. Many are sent to other countries to landfill and many states are considering mandating recycling. Over the next ten years the US will install 500 gigawatts of solar power and it takes 3 million panels to develop one gigawatt so there will be 150 million panels and the cost to recycle each is $30 so that is $4.5 billion dollars. This is enough to build two 500 gigawatt nuke power plants and if they are thorium plants there will be very little to recycle.

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