Monday, July 11, 2022

In the Gates case in 2009 Obama said the police acted stupidly before he had any of the facts surrounding the situation. Later he apologized. In September last, Biden said the Border Patrol men on horse back mistreated the illegal immigrants. After a six month investigation by the Biden administration these men were exonerated. No apology has been issued to date. The president along with the vice president and several top ranking democratic officials condemned the actions of these Border Patrol men some referring to the actions as plantation owners whipping slaves.“It was horrible to see what you saw, to see people treated like they did — horses barely running them over people being strapped,” Biden said. This week the administration said these immigrants were not whipped. The press secretary said, "We have taken very specific actions as it relates to the horrific photos that we -- we’re not going to stand for in this administration," “Haitian lives are Black lives, and if we truly believe that Black lives matter, then we must reverse course,” Democratic Rep. Ayanna Pressley, D-Mass., said at a news conference Wednesday. Will this mean that Black lives in the inner cities will get more attention. These men were openly criticized by the president and removed from their jobs.

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