Thursday, December 26, 2024


The nomination of Kash Patel to head the FBI has reopened the Trump/Russia collusion case because he promises to expose the inner operations of the FBI. During the 48 years that J Edgar Hoover headed the FBI the agency concentrated on gathering information on citizens that Hoover could use. The Church committee investigations (1975) slowed this down but it picked up again after 9/11. When Trump came on the scene he was seen as a threat to the way the intelligence agenies operated so the FBI presented false infomation to the FISA court which allowed them to spy on Trump foreign policy adviser Carter Page. Using what is called the two hop system this allowed the FBI to spy on all of Trump's people including Trump. In December 2019, Rosemary Collyer , a senior U.S. district judge and one of four FISA Court judges who approved a warrant authorizing the wiretapping of Page, issued an order saying the FBI "provided false information to the National Security Division (NSD) of the Department of Justice, and withheld material information from NSD which was detrimental to the FBI's case, in connection with four applications to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Court for authority to conduct electronic surveillance of a U.S. citizen named Carter W. Page". This led to the appointment of Robert Mueller as special prosecutor in investigate the charge of Trump/Russia collision which became the catalyst of the impeachment. After a two-year probe, Mueller finds insufficient evidence of a criminal conspiracy involving Trump and draws no conclusions on whether Trump obstructed justice. The NY Times and the Washington Post both receieve Pulizer Prizes for their reporting and later they admitted they had been wrong. Jul 22, 2022 A New York Times columnist has published an article detailing his “wrong” and regretful reporting of Donald Trump voters before the 2016 election – admitting the Russia collusion story was “bogus” and a “hoax”.

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