Saturday, June 5, 2010


An incident occurred this past week that is a microcosm of a serious problem facing the country. I am referring to Senator Jim Bunning and his refusal to sign on to a jobs bill. The bill was for 15 billion dollars but he objected because it was not paid for, that is, it was just the government going further in debt. It was only a week earlier that President Obama reemphasized his commitment to the principal known as Pay Go, which he championed a few months back. The concept states that all new spending must by paid for by tax increases or budget cuts.

The interesting thing is that not many Republicans came forth to back Bunning and many Democrats condemned him for refusing to add to the employment benefits for those out of work, which is what part of the 15 billion was to used for.

Even more interesting was the press response which criticized Bunning for his hard hearted approach.

This shows that cutting benefits is not popular in congress but also meets with ire from the press, the same press that is constantly complaining about the deficits.

The bottom line is that it is better to take money from future generations and use that to pay unemployment to present day people than to withhold payment and this has been the general theme of government since WW 11.

Once benefits are started it is extremely difficult to reduce or eliminate them. Witness what is going on in Europe where they have been attempting to reduce benefits.

Jack Novick

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